Interviews, Podcasts, Summits, Social Media Requests, Etc.

Due to the private nature of our membership, we have decided that interviews are too much public exposure. For the safety and confidentiality of our members, it is of the utmost importance for us to decline all interviews at this time.

However, rare exception may be made depending on the nature of the interview, audience, and subject matter. We may or may not charge a fee for the interview to be agreed upon by the parties. If an interview is agreed upon by the parties, we will draw up a contract reserving the right to retain priority interest in all materials created by the interview. We further reserve the right to require the interview to be taken off any and all platforms at any time. We require links to the videos as well as date and time of interview and whether or not the interview will be prerecorded or live.

If you would like to submit an interview request, please provide the following applicable information in a support ticket request:

  • Your name
  • Your organization's name if any
  • The principal of the organization (owner)
  • Location
  • Mailing address
  • Website address
  • Video platform and blog addresses
  • Social media names/links
  • Expected interview date and time
  • Expected release date, time and link
  • The nature of the interview i.e. subject matter
  • Audience reach and a short description of your audience

We appreciate your request and we will let you know whether your request has been accepted within 5 business days.

Contact Our Team

If you still can't find an answer to what you're looking for, or you have a specific question, open a new ticket and we'd be happy to help!

Contact Us